What is a bug out bag? Imagine you have just received an evacuation order. You have minutes to pack your bags and get out. For example: Fire (i.e. California, Hawaii or a fire in your house), flood (North Carolina), earthquake (Greece and Cayman Islands), tsunami, tornado, nuclear bomb (you never know), or EMP (electromagnetic pulse attack, resulting in a black out. No electricity. No WIFI. No water.).
I am a Christian, so I believe what the Bible says in Revelation. We are living in the end days, and I believe the rapture or the tribulation is coming really soon. I believe in a pre-tribulation (rapture comes before 7-year tribuation) or post-tribulation (rapture comes after the 7-year tribulation)? I don’t know. I saw the videos about pre-tribulation (Dr. David Jeremiah, Robert Breaker, Jimmy Evans, John Hagee, etc). I am leaning toward the post-tribulation. See YouTube videos here. My church believes in a post-tribulation and my pastor long time ago (James MacDonald) believed in mid-tribulation too.
Matthew 24:7-8 says “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquake in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” I know about birth pains. I had 5 homebirths! Birth pains are hard. I don’t know if Jesus is coming tomorrow or this year. No one knows.
In the Bible, Joseph prepared for a famine in Egypt by storing grain during a period of abundance. When the famine struck, Joseph was able to sell the grain to the people. The famine was for 7 years! 😳
So, I have 5 kids. Their ages are 24, 21, 18, 14, and 6 years old. If I had to pack all the stuff, I would be stressed trying to do it in about 5 minutes. 😵💫 Bug out bags are a must in my house. I made all of my kids a bug out bag and one for the car in case something happens while driving. 7 backpacks! 😀 I have one too. I packed them all in about one month! I bought the bug out bag and most of the items on Amazon.
I had a stroke almost 3 1/2 years ago and I have Broca’s aphasia. See my last post. I can’t talk, can’t write, and can’t read very well. But I can understand everything I hear! So, I get to research on YouTube videos on my iPad (I have an ethernet connection). 😊 I saw lots and lots of videos (like hundreds) on bug out bags. I am a beginner prepper.
10 Items You Must Have
- Clothes
- Shirts, pants, underwear, bras, socks, and shoes. Imagine you have just received an evacuation order in the middle of the night while wearing your pajamas. It’s a good idea to have clothes ready to change into.
- Before we leave the house, I would sure my kids have sturdy shoes on. Not Crocs or sandals. I bought hiking shoes but if your kids have good running shoes, that should be fine. I have my hiking shoes in my car.
- Socks. Preferably wool socks. Wool dries fast and it keeps the foot warmer than other cotton socks. Don’t forget to pack the clothes in a zip lock bag or some other waterproof bag. If it rains on the backpack, all the clothes could get wet. So, I pack all the items in zip lock bags. It’s a lot of work! But I am mom so…
- Don’t forget to pack underwear and bras.
- Masks. N95 masks preferably. Remember the California fire last month. All of them had a mask on. I bought 50 masks, so my kids get 5 masks.
- Sunglasses (I need my sunglasses) 😎 All of my kids may not need sunglasses. My 6-year-old son does.
- Baseball hat. So, if you can’t shower, you can always throw on a baseball hat. A baseball hat also shades my face on sunny days.
- Winter hats, earmuffs, or scarves (if you live in a cold region).
- Pack hand towels just in case it’s raining out. These also can be used as a face towel.
- Coats. My kids may not want to wear a coat, but I need to push them to wear a coat! I have a warm coat.
- Optional Items:
- Bandanas or shemagh
- Bandanas: You can use them as a mask.
- Shemagh: Like a bandana, but they are lightweight and a little bit bigger so you can use them to wrap your head and wrap your chest too. Use them as protection for your neck so don’t get sunburn.
- Ponchos. Can be used in rain or snow or use them as an umbrella to keep the rain out if you have to go to sleep outdoors. Wet clothes are going to make you wish you had a poncho.
- Construction glasses. During the California fires, all the newscasters had to have construction glasses on to protect their eyes from dust and debris.
- Construction Gloves. You’ll need gloves to protect your hands from dust, fires, mold, dirt, and other things like this. (I bought it at Home Depot)
2. Water
- SmartWater or Fiji water have good solid plastic bottles that can be reused and can be refilled. Cheaper water bottles are flimsy.
- If we go in the car, I fill stainless steel cups with water before we leave.
- I have a 5-gallon water jug (actually I have 5 of them). I washed it out and filled it up with Culligan filtered water from the sink. It’s reverse osmosis water so I put Sea M.D. low sodium mineral drops in it. The first two jugs, I put GSE (grapefruit seed extract) in it. So that water jug goes in the car. Maybe I’ll do 2 or 3 of them. In the California fires they had to boil water before they can drink it, and they had no electricity to boil the water. The water in these jugs have probably a 5-year shelf life. So, in about 5 years (around December 2029), I’ll have to dump it out (maybe I’ll water the plants outside) then fill it up with more water.
- Lifestraw water filters. I don’t know how it works but I saw a number of videos about it. I bought them and I need to watch a video on how it works. Right now, I don’t have a time! 😀
- Sawyer mini water filtration system. Same thing. I need to watch a video on how to use them.
3. Food
- I have protein bars, grassfed beef jerky sticks, nuts, oatmeal, ramen noodles (My daughter likes them. Yuck.) hot chocolate, chamomile tea, Emergen-C vitamin C powder, LMNT raw unflavored electrolyte drink mix, Annie’s bunny fruit snacks, Lays potato chips, popcorn, and Giggles (candy). Four or six months from now I will need to replace the food in my bug out bags.
- Utensils. I have a set of stainless-steel forks, spoons, and knives and stainless-steel straws that will be used when making oatmeal, hot chocolate, etc.
Optional Items:
- Canteen cooking set with a cup/bowl. I have this in my son’s bug out bag.
4. Shelter
- Sleeping bag. I have Bivvy Mini emergency sleeping bags, about the size of a pop can, in each bug out bag. And I have a regular size sleeping bag with a tent (this is not in my bug out bags). It is a Hyde & Byke sleeping bag.
- Emergency mylar blankets. This is a smaller-sized blanket but it keeps you warm.
- Construction bags. I don’t know why but every video on YouTube (it’s about 8 1/2 minutes) said I need to have a construction bag because it can be used as blankets if you need to go into the woods. Also, dew collects on these construction bags as a way to collect water.
- Hand warmers in case you get cold.
- Tent. I don’t have a tent yet, but I need one just in case the power goes out in the middle of the winter. YouTube videos (it’s about 5 minute) he suggested I need a tent to get warm. And the North Carolina people (who suffered from the 2024 hurricane) may have needed a tent just to survive. When I buy a tent, I’ll load it into the car just as we are about to evacuate.
5. First Aid Kit
- I have a lot of homeopathic supplements my family and I take.
- Oscillococcinum for flu, headache, fever, chills, etc.
- Belladonna (30c) for headache and fever
- Nux Vomica (30c) for nausea and upset stomach
- Arnica Montana (30c) for muscle pain and stiffness. I used this to prevent bruising. Reduces swelling and pain relief.
- Cold Calm
- Chestal
- Throat Calm
- Bandages
- Advil (dye free ibuprofen can be found at Walgreens)
- Chapstick
- Neosporin
- Benadryl
- Pepto Bismol (not dye-free but it’s a catastrophic event so…)
- Mini scissors
- Nail clippers
- Colloidal Silver (sore throat, styes in the eye, or any infection. Kills the bacteria.)
- Aspirin (I take aspirin every day because I had a stroke) 😕
- Iodine (in the case of a nuclear attack, iodine helps to get the radiation out.)
- I take iodine daily. I had surgery in the Spring of 2024 and had my left ovary removed because of a ruptured cyst (it hurt!) Iodine helps prevent ovary, breast and prostate cancer, as well as supports thyroid health. See YouTube videos on Iodine.
6.Fire Kit and Flashlights
- Bics lighter
- Mini candle
- Waterproof matches
- Fire-starting tabs
- Rod fire starter
- Flashlight
- Headlamp
- Mini flashlights
- Extra batteries
7. Toiletries
- Deodorant
- Brush
- Ponytail holders
- Toilet paper (I have T.P. in the car in the bug out bags)
- Purell hand sanitizer
- Soap (body wash toiletries from cruises my mom taken, and Ivory soap bar)
- Lotion (I have lotion made from oils made by my midwife. Good for mosquito bites and whatever else.)
- Makeup remover
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Wet Ones face wipes
- You can get travel-sized toothpaste from your dentist for free. Or go to Target and go to the trial size section.
- I have playing cards for my 6-year-old son in case he gets bored.
8. Knives and Weaponry
- Knives
- Gun (kind of). I have a Byrna. It’s a less lethal weapon. I don’t know how it works but maybe someone helps me out (maybe a neighbor, or a friend). I have to watch YouTube videos on how it works.
- Pepper spray
- Leatherman
9. Bible and Money
- I have a mini-Bible with the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.
- I have $40 each for my kids in their bug out bags. I have $400 in cash in my bug out bag. When you are paying for gas or food and the electricity is out, it is cash only. Get $1, $5 and $10 dollar bills. Just not only $20 bills. For example, the gas station may not have singles in the event gas costs $32 and you only have two $20 bills.
10. Birth Certificate and Passport
- I have all of my kid’s birth certificates and passports in an envelope in a zip lock bag, in case it rains.
- I have a “copy” of the birth certificate in each kid’s bug out bag.
If a nuclear bomb goes off, there will be radiation everywhere, not just in the city where the bomb might have gone off. The radiation will likely burn your skin. We will go to the basement, close the blinds in the basement (we have a walk out basement), and every one of us will take a shower (one at a time 😊) and then put on new clothes. My basement has a shower. I have a bag of clothes in my basement, and I have iodine supplements. Iodine helps get rid of the radiation. If the nuclear bomb hits nearby while we are in a store, driving in the car, walking, etc., we can go to the basement and clean off–take a shower and change our clothes–if we’re not dead. 😕 Then I will listen to my battery-powered radio (see below) for what to do next. Electricity and WiFi will probably be out.
The rest of these are items are optional, but I have them.
- Phone charger and headphones for the phone. My kids would die if I forgot to pack this charger.
- Paracord (like a parachute rope). Use it to make a shelter. I have a full paracord set in my son’s bug out bag.
- Duct tape. You can use it to make shelters.
- Radio and chargers for my phone. These radios are available as solar/hand crank/battery powered and can be used as a charger for other devices as a well as flashlight.
- Little bag in case you need it. I have my clothes in my little bag.
This is the bug out bag in my van. (It weighs about 15 lbs).
My 18 year-old son’s bug out bags is 15 lbs. Here is a bug out bag that you can buy on Amazon for about $40. It’s the best bug out bag. It’s the ideal size, not too big, and not too small.
My bug out is 17 lbs, and the girls’ bug out bags are 13 lbs, and my little son’s bag is 11 lbs. Bug out bags should weigh less than 20 lbs for portability.
The 7-year tribulation is coming really soon. Israel, Russia, and Iran (formerly Persia) is at war, just like Bible said. Read the Bible (free Bible app). Listen to Matthew 24, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, Luke 21, Ezekiel 38-39, Daniel 7-9, and Revelation 13.
Be prepared! Read Matthew 25. Jesus told the story of 10 virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five virgins were wise, and these women took oil for their lamps. Five virgins were foolish, and these women had no oil for their lamps. When the bridegroom came, the foolish women were left behind.
“‘Lord, lord, open to us.’ But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” — Matthew 25:11-13
If the 7-year tribulation were to start right now, many will be deceived to take the mark of the beast (666) on their forehead or right hand. This in order to buy and sell goods. However, taking this mark is also a sign that you will not enter the kingdom of heaven and will go to hell when you die. Do not take the mark of the beast (666). Revelation 13:15-18.
How do you become saved so you can ensure you enter the kingdom of heaven? Romans 10:9 “…if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Matthew 7:21 ”Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'”
Pray to God, repent of your sins and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, pray for the Holy Spirit to teach you to walk with Jesus as you grow in your relationship with Him through prayers and reading the Bible.
If you doubt that God exists, pray to God, and He will show you. Jeremiah 29:13 “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”
I know there are a lot of things in a bug out bag. My bug out bag has a lot of stuff! But almost all of my kids are not saved. 😢 The tribulation is really soon, and I want to be prepared. Even more than a good bug out bag, be prepared by truly receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior. Please pray for my children to truly receive Jesus. Don’t worry, they won’t read this blog!
See my Amazon list to purchase bug out bag items.
You want to watch some YouTube videos? Here is some YouTube presenters I liked.
Live Ready
City Prepping
The Idaho Prepper
Wicked Prepared
And if you have a child with ADHD and don’t want to medicate, check out this book. If you leave a review on Amazon, I’ll send you a FREE e-cookbook on Feingold Stage One or GFCF (gluten free and dairy free) recipes to help you get started! Just email me at sheridavis645@gmail.com.
Written by Sheri Fortes - Visit Website
Author of "All Natural Mom's Guide to the Feingold Diet"
Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram
The Treating ADHD Naturally Conference is coming back to Chicago May 23, 2018! More details coming soon at www.mothersdetermined.com.
